Clinical manifestations and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infections in children and adolescents with rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases: data from the National Paediatric Rheumatology Database in GermanyClaudia Sengler, Sascha Eulert, Kirsten Minden, Martina Niewerth, Gerd Horneff, Jasmin Kuemmerle-Deschner, Caroline Siemer, Rainer Berendes, Hermann Girschick, Regina Hühn, Michael Borte, Anton Hospach, Wolfgang Emminger, Jakob Armann, Ariane KleinSee the full list of authors
26 July 2021
Antiphospholipid antibodies in COVID-19: a meta-analysis and systematic reviewMuhanad Taha, Lobelia Samavati
6 May 2021
Anxiety and concerns related to the work situation during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in >5000 patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease followed in the DANBIO registryBente Glintborg, Dorte Vendelbo Jensen, Sara Engel, Lene Terslev, Mogens Pfeiffer Jensen, Oliver Hendricks, Mikkel Østergaard, Simon Horskjær Rasmussen, Thomas Adelsten, Ada Colic, Kamilla Danebod, Malene Kildemand, Anne Gitte Loft, Heidi Lausten Munk, Jens Kristian PedersenSee the full list of authors
3 May 2021
Assessment of impact of the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases in Europe: results from the REUMAVID study (phase 1)Marco Garrido-Cumbrera, Helena Marzo-Ortega, Laura Christen, Pedro Plazuelo-Ramos, Dale Webb, Clare Jacklin, Shantel Irwin, Laurent Grange, Souzi Makri, Elsa Frazão Mateus, Serena Mingolla, Katy Antonopoulou, Sergio Sanz-Gómez, José Correa-Fernández, Loreto CarmonaSee the full list of authors
7 April 2021
COVID-19-induced hyperinflammation, immunosuppression, recovery and survival: how causal inference may help draw robust conclusionsRobert B M Landewé, Sofia Ramiro, Rémy L M Mostard
31 March 2021
Point of view on the vaccination against COVID-19 in patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseasesVictoria Furer, Christien Rondaan, Nancy Agmon-Levin, Sander van Assen, Marc Bijl, Meliha Crnkic Kapetanovic, Annette de Thurah, Ulf Mueller-Ladner, Daphna Paran, Karen Schreiber, Klaus Warnatz, Nico M Wulffraat, Ori Elkayam
24 February 2021
Vaccination of patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases against SARS-CoV-2: considerations before widespread availability of the vaccinesHendrik Schulze-Koops, Christof Specker, Alla Skapenko
24 February 2021
Digital rheumatology in the era of COVID-19: results of a national patient and physician surveyAnna Kernder, Harriet Morf, Philipp Klemm, Diana Vossen, Isabell Haase, Johanna Mucke, Marco Meyer, Arnd Kleyer, Philipp Sewerin, Gerlinde Bendzuck, Sabine Eis, Johannes Knitza, Martin Krusche
23 February 2021
High levels of immunosuppression are related to unfavourable outcomes in hospitalised patients with rheumatic diseases and COVID-19: first results of ReumaCoV Brasil registryClaudia Diniz Lopes Marques, Adriana Maria Kakehasi, Marcelo Medeiros Pinheiro, Licia Maria Henrique Mota, Cleandro Pires Albuquerque, Carolina Rocha Silva, Gabriela Porfirio Jardim Santos, Edgard Torres Reis-Neto, Pedro Matos, Guilherme Devide, Andrea Dantas, Rina Dalva Giorgi, Felipe Omura, Adriana de Oliveira Marinho, Lilian David Azevedo ValadaresSee the full list of authors
28 January 2021
Older age, comorbidity, glucocorticoid use and disease activity are risk factors for COVID-19 hospitalisation in patients with inflammatory rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseasesRebecca Hasseli, Ulf Mueller-Ladner, Bimba F Hoyer, Andreas Krause, Hanns-Martin Lorenz, Alexander Pfeil, Jutta Richter, Martin Schäfer, Tim Schmeiser, Anja Strangfeld, Hendrik Schulze-Koops, Reinhard E Voll, Christof Specker, Anne Constanze Regierer
21 January 2021